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1至2仙不需付.8到9算10仙? 國家銀行和國內貿易及消費部將落實減少使用1仙銅錢政策,於明年推行湊整機制(Rounding mechanism),並將出現零頭的價格算成5仙或10仙。? 在湊整機制下,消費賬單內1到2仙是不需付錢,3至7仙給5仙,8到9仙則算10仙。舉例來說,1令吉2仙的價格只需給1令吉;1令吉6仙就給1令吉5仙錢,而1令吉8仙錢則給1令吉10仙。? |
1. What is the Rounding Mechanism?The Rounding Mechanism is a method whereby the total bill amount (including goods and services subject to tax) is rounded upwards or downwards to the nearest multiple of 5 sen. In this regard, total bill amount that ends in 1, 2, 6 and 7 sen will be rounded down while 3, 4, 8 and 9 sen will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5 sen. The table below illustrates how the Rounding Mechanism works:
2. When will the Rounding Mechanism take effect?The Rounding Mechanism will be fully implemented by 1 April 2008. 3. Why did the Government decide to implement Rounding Mechanism?The implementation of the Rounding Mechanism will benefit many parties. The rounding adjustment and final total will be clearly shown on the receipt/ bill. 5. What type of transactions are subjected to Rounding Mechanism?All payments will be subjected to the Rounding Mechanism irrespective of its mode, be it cash or non-cash. 6. Is the 1 sen coin still legal tender?Yes. The 1 sen coin remains a legal tender and can be used as a means of payment for any transaction as stipulated in Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (Revised in 1994). Coins issued by the Bank shall be legal tender in Malaysia at their face value as follows:
However, members of the public may exchange their 1 sen coins, at no charge at Bank Negara Malaysia's head office in Kuala Lumpur and its branches in Pulau Pinang, Kuala Terengganu, Johor Bahru, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. 7. Will Bank Negara Malaysia stop issuing 1 sen coins?Bank Negara Malaysia will continue to supply 1 sen coin based on market demand. However, the demand for the 1 sen coin is expected to decline with the implementation of the Rounding Mechanism.
How to setup One cent Rounding Mechanism in Emas Inventory System? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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